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Allergy Injections

Allergy Injections

Allergy injection appointments are available Monday - Friday. We do not do allergy testing or mix the contents of vials, but a nurse is available for injections that have been ordered by your allergist. Initial dose(s) of the allergy serum must be administered in the prescribing allergist’s office. Your allergy medication vials, and allergist orders can be brought to and stored at SHS. There is a $2.00 fee per injection. For more information, call (504) 520-7396 to speak to our clinic nurse.

The following is some important information to be aware of before initiating allergy treatment at SHS:

Allergy information for your allergist/physicians

Allergy immunotherapy letter for allergist/physician.

Allergy injection doctor’s orders.

Our office requires completed doctor's orders from your allergist to be reviewed and signed off by a Student Health Services physician before any injections are administered.

Important information about allergy injections

Students who require allergy injections may store their allergen solution at Student Health Services. A nurse will assist in following the injection schedule and will provide follow-up care. You may be able to receive an injection without an appointment if you are willing to wait for any students who may have scheduled appointments prior to your arrival. Scheduled appointments eliminate the inconvenience of such waits; ask the clinic nurse about scheduling appointments.

Serum ordered by an outside physician is stored at SHS for your convenience. The clinic nurse will ensure that the vial is clearly labeled with the following information before storage: your name, contents, concentration, manufacturer and expiration date. Please supply the clinic nurse with a schedule of injections, dosage prescribed, and comments about any reactions you might have had.

If your vials have been mailed to us, please check with the clinic nurse to be sure it has arrived before you are due for an injection. All antigen left in the clinic will be discarded when it becomes outdated, or one year from the date of manufacture noted on the label.

During appointments for allergy injections

It's important that you communicate the following information to the clinic nurse before receiving an injection so that proper dosage can be determined:

  • Signs or symptoms of illness, extreme fatigue or a flare up of allergy symptoms
  • Delayed reactions to the previous injection that occurred after leaving the clinic
  • Changes in amounts, frequency or types of medications

It is unsafe to receive allergy injections within a short period before or after donating blood or receiving certain immunizations. If you plan to donate blood or if you need an immunization, you may need to schedule your allergy injection at least 48 hours before or after either experience. Some immunizations can be given at the same time as allergy injections, including vaccinations for flu and tetanus.

Serious systemic reactions to antigen are rare but unpredictable. When they do occur, it is usually within 30 minutes of an injection. For your protection, we require that you remain at Student Health Services for 30 minutes following your injection. Students who do not comply with the full waiting period will be referred to an outside provider for allergy injections. Before leaving, allow the nurse to check the injection site for local reaction.

Initial visits are done for all desensitization patients during the first appointment of the school year. Health information is updated, documents/orders are reviewed and signed off on by Xavier’s medical doctor and the consent for injections are signed by the student.

Between allergy injections

Strenuous activities should be avoided following an injection of antigen. Please avoid activities that increase the heart rate for at least two hours after you receive an injection: running, jogging, team sports, racket sports, skiing, skating, tennis, taking saunas, sunbathing or using a hot tub.

The source of your allergy symptoms (dust mites, pollens, animal dander, mold, etc.) should be avoided as much as possible during the 24-hour periods before and after your injection. It is advisable to have an antihistamine on hand.


There is a $2.00 fee per injection

Allergy clinic hours

Allergy services are scheduled daily Monday through Friday during clinic hours until 4:00 p.m.


Contact Us

Office of Student Health Services

St. Joseph Academic & Health Resource Center

Building #13, Room 217

Office: 504-520-7396

Fax: 504-520-7962

​Mailing Address

​1 Drexel Drive
P.O. Box 36
New Orleans, LA 70125

Hours of Operation

Monday - Thursday: 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM 

Friday: 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM