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Classroom Access

Classroom Access

Some of our buildings may present accessibility challenges, which require relocation of classes or placement of specialized furniture. Classroom access may also require an additional aid (lab assistant, classroom assistant, library assistant, etc.). Classroom access accommodations are generally provided by The Office of Disability Services.

Physical Accommodations


This is exactly what it sounds like. Some of our classrooms are inaccessible or impossible to use for students with certain disabilities. ODS works with the registrar's office and the faculty member to find a new location for the class.

How Faculty Can Help

Please be specific when putting in your classroom requests with the registrar's office, so that if your class needs to be relocated, we choose a location that meets your needs.


While accessibility addresses more than physical access, this particular accommodation refers specifically to how physically accessible the computer desk is. Can the height be adjusted? Is there enough room underneath for a wheelchair or a footstool as necessary? Contact ODS for information about how to make accessible stations in your computer and science labs.


Xavier is responsible for ensuring access to all facets of learning - that includes making sure fieldtrips and other class outings are accessible.

How Faculty Can Help

If you have a student who has a mobility concern, make sure you check the accessibility of your class trip destinations before the trip. If you will be visiting a business or other building, are there accessible routes and entrances? For outdoor trips, are there paved or other wheelchair accessible paths? How are you getting to the destination? Can the student access the transportation?


ODS provided podiums are actually small desks on wheels that can be quickly and easily raised to a standing position.


Some students with disabilities need to sit in a specific part of the classroom due to access, allergies, medical need, visibility, volume, etc. Most students are able to get a seat in an acceptable location on their own. However, particularly in large or crowded classrooms, students may work with ODS and faculty to reserve a seat.


ODS provided tables are large and height-adjustable, with no obstructions in the center. This allows students using ODS lumbar support chairs and students using wheelchairs to have a table that they can adjust to the height they need.

How Faculty Can Help

These height adjustable tables are often pushed to the sides or the teaching areas of the classroom over time. ODS works to make sure that the tables are placed properly at the beginning of each term. Many of the students who need these tables cannot move them. Please be aware that a student may need assistance if someone in a previous class has moved or blocked a table.

In-Class Assistants


ODS occasionally provides an in-class assistant for students. Classroom assistants are assigned for a variety of reasons, but they are meant only to be the hands or eyes of the student they are helping. They will not participate in class and should not coach or prompt the student. They are only in class to perform tasks as the student directs them.


Service Animals are specially trained to perform a specific task. The task could be one of many, from acting as a guide for someone who is blind or has low vision, to warning of an oncoming medical emergency such as a seizure. If you have questions about service animals in classroom or lab settings, please contact us.


ODS occasionally provides a lab assistant for students. Lab assistants are assigned for a variety of reasons, but they are meant only to be the hands or eyes of the student they are helping. They will not coach or prompt the student. They are only in the lab to perform tasks as the student directs them.