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Week 1: July 1 -July 5, 2024


CORE 0006A Catholic Social Justice and the Black Christian Experience. Examine the principles of Catholic Social Teaching in relationship to modern ethical issues from Black and Brown perspectives. Using Scripture, academic content and personal narratives, participants will navigate moral dilemmas with the narrative of Jesus Christ as the ethical starting point. LaShaundra Reese, Ph.D. (M-F 8:45-11:45am).


CORE 0001H Black Memory, Oral Tradition, and Preservation. Focus on oral history and the power of storytelling in Black communities while learning the impact of preserving and sharing narratives. This course aims to empower individuals to become effective storytellers, strengthening the bonds of community and amplifying the voices of those on the margins. Teddy Reeves, Ph.D. (M-F 8:45-11:45am).


CORE 0004H Sacred Music Ministry. Delve into the rich history of music ministry and its relevance to biblical teachings. Through practical techniques and strategies, students will learn how to create worship experiences that engage and spiritually uplift the people of God. Samuel Hendricks, Th.M. (M-F 8:45- 11:45am).


YUTH 0013 Youth Ministry: From Orthodoxy to Orthopraxy. In this modern age, with tight budgets and worldly challenges, creating and sustaining effective youth and campus ministry programs is not easy. This course will discover strategies to support our young people as they journey from the world of orthodoxy (right teachings) to the land of orthopraxy (right actions). Fr. R. Tony Ricard, Th.M. (M-F 8:45-11 :45am).



LDER 0038 The Black Parish and the Community. Following in the footsteps of Jesus and attending to the evangelizing mission of his Church, students will explore the role of Black Catholic lay leaders in celebrating, building and caring for the community at-large. Fr. David Jones, M.Div. (M-F 1:45-4:45pm).


CORE 0003J Luke's Gospel: Reaching the Least, the Last, and the Lost. The Gospel of Luke contains some of Jesus' best-loved teachings, many stories and instructions that deepen our faith lives. Here we'll learn about Jesus's mission to reach out to people on the margins of family, society, and church life. We'll discover how Jesus inspires disciples of today with a deep spirituality and abiding concern for social justice. Julie Welborn, D.Min. (M-F 1:45-4:45pm).


CORE 0005D Black Boy Joy: A Spirituality. Explore the intersection of spirituality and self-discovery in response to the ways that Black masculinity is portrayed in U.S. society. Learn how the spiritual dimensions of joy, resilience and empowerment contribute to healthy relationships and self-fulfillment in the Black male experience. Byron Wratee, Ph.D. Cand. (M-F 1:45-4:45pm).



Week 2: July 8- July 12, 2024


LDER 0039 We Proclaim Jesus: Conversations on Evangelization. Travel through the Acts of The Apostles to discover how the early Christians proclaimed Jesus Christ. And in that biblical tradition, discover strategies to support the Church's evangelizing mission in the 21st century. From Pope Francis: "Apostolic zeal is the  very oxygen of Christian life". Come be strengthened as an evangelizing apostle of today. Our faith communities have all the oxygen we need when we proclaim Jesus! Therese Wilson Favors, M.A. (M-F 8:45-11:45am).


CORE 0002E Tracing the Color Purple: Exploring Womanist Theology. More than 40 years ago, Alice Walker birthed the term womanism and provided one of the earliest demonstrations of womanist spirit through her novel turned film "The Color Purple." Since then, womanism has gone through several waves. Each wave deepens the commitments of womanists in religious studies and theology to center the experience, knowledge, and liberation of Black people. Nicole Symmonds, Ph.D. (M-F 8:45-11:45am).


BRES 0006 The Spirituals. Explore the historical and biblical perspectives of the Spirituals, timeless African American classics, to find their relevance for the present-day church and world at-large. Spirituals contain African American narratives that provide insight into our rich spiritual heritage and inform our present-day spiritual practices. Samuel Hendricks, Th.M. (M-F 8:45-11:45am).


CORE 0004F Mary, the Black Madonna, and Africana Catholics. Journey deep into the heart of the African diaspora to study the history of Marian popular devotion among various Africana Catholic communities during and after the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. This course will examine the Catholic roots of the Americas, explore Marian devotional sites in places such as Cuba, Brazil, and the U.S., and study the Black Madonna in the modern and contemporary world. LaRyssa Herrington, Ph.D.Cand. (M-F 1:45-4:45pm).


CORE 0004G Eucharistic Liturgy in the African American Community. This course will demonstrate how the practice of inculturation in Eucharistic Liturgy can be an instrument for evangelization in African American community. The course will connect the Eucharistic Liturgy with common values found within the African American community; including, but not limited to collective work and responsibility, unity, and self-determination. Fr. Roy A. Lee, Ph.D. (M-F 1:45- 4:45pm).


CORE 0008C Preaching Racial Justice. Develop a preaching ministry that forthrightly addresses racism and the demands of Christian discipleship. Fr. Manuel Williams, C.R, Th.M. (M-F 1:45-4:45pm).


SREP 003 Black Faith Live! "A faith that does not become culture is a faith that is not fully received, not thoroughly thought through, not fully lived" (John Paul II, 1982)". This intergenerational retreat invites Baby Boomer (age 61+), Millennial, and Gen Z Black Catholics to reflect on the diverse ways that the generations celebrate God's gift of Blackness and prayerfully strategize ways to build up the Church together. Limit 15 retreatants. Anthony Hart, DHA & Chaplain Thelma Lucas, Th.M. (M-F 9:00-11 am and 2:00-4pm).



Week 3: July 15-July 19, 2024


LDER 0040 Local and Parish Black Catholic Histories for Evangelization. This course is for people who love history and believe it plays a role in Catholic evangelization. Learn how to do Black Catholic history by identifying and conserving resources, writing historical pieces and using your local and parish Black Catholic histories to share the Good News today. Cecilia Moore, Ph.D. (M­ F (M-F, 8:45-11:45am).


LDER 0016 Building Cultural Competence for Ministry in the African Diaspora. Fruitful ministry is achievable in Africa's Region 6, (aka) the Diaspora. This course brings real talk to real challenges and opportunities affecting culturally diverse Catholics of African descent. We will identify attitudes, knowledge, skills, and strategies for building solidarity as we create the future we will share. Donna Grimes, 8.S. and David Okonkwo, Th.M. (M-F, 8:45-11:45am).


CORE 0002F Race, Law and Black Theology. Join in a critical exploration of race as a social construct that promotes death-dealing inequalities in U.S. institutions, including the Church, and examine the light that Black Catholic Theology brings to the discussion. Byron Wratee, Ph.D.Cand. (M-F, 8:45-11 :45AM).


CORE 00058 Spirituality of the Body Black. Tendering care of the African American mind, body and spirit is a Pro Life issue, a Black Lives Matter concern and a social justice theme - all promotes human dignity and the sanctity of life. This course will explore the mandate of Catholic Social Teachings and Scripture that we make paradigm shifts in Church life for the health of our clergy and congregations. Valerie Lewis-Mosley, Ph.D. (M-F 1:45-4:45pm).


CORE 00088 Preaching from the Pews. Ineffective preaching is a challenge in our communities. This course will offer approaches for laity to help clergy become better preachers and strategies to help clergy reinforce their preaching skills! We hope to rekindle the fire in the pulpit with the fire in the pews! Fr. Manuel Williams, C.R., Th.M. (M-F 1:45-4:45pm).


8RES 0005 Black Religious Expression: Holistic and Holy. Learn here how to effectively incorporate the arts - spoken word, drama and song - in pastoral ministry, presentation and classroom settings. Celebrating the Black aesthetic in community encourages dialogue, healing and remembrance. Sunnie Patterson, B.A. (M-F 1:45-4:45pm).


SREP 0001 Elders Retreat: Renewed - Revived- Ready! African American Elders (age 62+) spend the week in prayer, reflection, discussion and recreation. Come celebrate the legacy of eldership in the Black Catholic community. Let the Spirit renew, revive, and get you ready in the spirit of wisdom that continues to sustain our community. Limit 15 retreatants. Chaplain Thelma Lucas, Th.M. & Anthony Hart, DHA. (M-F 9:00-1 lam and 2:00-4pm).