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Major Instrumentation Core

The Major Instrumentation Core has been established to provide technical services and consumable supplies necessary for the operation and maintenance of a variety of major instruments that support biomedical research at Xavier University. The long term goal of the Major Instrumentation Core is to enhance the overall biomedical research capabilities at Xavier University by making available essential instrument-based platforms for various research projects. To achieve this goal the Major Instrumentation Core has set the following specific aims:

1). support biomedical research projects on campus by providing essential analytical instrumentation,

2). maintain and operate existing instruments,

3). acquire new instruments, and

4). provide technical support for user community of the core.

Major Instrumentation Core Facilities


The Major Instrumentation Core Lab maintains several shared research facilities for cancer research. These facilities are also used for education. The following table lists the currently existing facilities along with their locations and faculty or research associate who maintain them. A 400 MHz NMR will be purchased soon and added to this list. If you are interested in using some of these facilities for your project, please download and fill a request form, and send it to the manager or the person associated with the facility of interest listed in the table.

• LTQ-Orbitrap LC/MA/MA, GC/MS, and HPLC/UV

• FTIR, UV-Vis, and NMR

• Field Emission SEM


Agilent 1100 HPLC-UV System

NCF Science Complex Room 320
Mr. Qiang Zhang
Office phone: 504-520-7253
Email: qzhang1@xula.edu

Bruker 300MHz NMR Spectrometer (1H and 13C)
for research and education

Dr. Vladimir Kolesnichenko
NCF Room 307, NMRRoom
Email: vkolesni@xula.edu

Thermo TSQ Vantage/HPLC
Triple Stage Quadrupole
Mass Spectrometer

Dr. Changde Zhang
Pharmacy Room405A
Office phone: 504-520-7253
Email: zcd12@xula.edu

Thermo Nexus 470 FT-IR Spectrometer with a smart
i-TR Sampling Accessory

NCF Room 320, Instrument Room
Dr. Jian Zhang
Email: JZhang@xula.edu

Agilent 400 MHz NMR
Spectrometer with 5 mm
broad band probe for Research

Dr. Vladimir Kolesnichenko
NCF Room 307, NMRRoom
Email: vkolesni@xula.edu

Agilent 6890/5975 GC/MS System

NCF Science Complex Room 320
Mr. Qiang Zhang
Office phone: 504-520-7253
Email: qzhang1@xula.edu

Shimadzu LC-20AT HPLC
with UV/Fluorescence Detector and Auto sampler

NCF Science Complex Room 320
Mr. Qiang Zhang
Office phone: 504-520-7253
Email: qzhang1@xula.edu

Thermo LTQ-Orbitrap LC/MS/MS System/UltiMate 3000 HPLC
The proteome data processing system. Mascot software version 2.4 and SIEVE software which allows automated solution for label-free, semi-quantitative differential expression analysis of proteins

Mr. Qiang Zhang
Pharmacy Room405A
Office phone: 504-520-7253
Email: qzhang1@xula.edu

Beckman DU800 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer with VWR water bath circulator

  • Scan mode between 200 nm and 900 nm
  • Kinetic mode
  • Temperature dependent study between -20 C and 80 C

NCF Room 320, Instrument Room
Dr. Jian Zhang
Email: JZhang@xula.edu

Important Information for Core Users:

We hope the RCMI Major Core is serving your research needs. As you are writing manuscripts, preparing presentations, and drafting grant applications that have resulted from core usage, please keep in mind the importance of citing the RCMI grant and following the NIH Public Access Policy. For a publication or presentation to be counted as productivity towards the RCMI Grant, it must be cited with the grant number, and a publication must be deposited into PubMed Central.


Citations must credit NCRR’s support. Please use the statements below when citing research that was completed with the assistance of an RCMI Core facility. If you are writing RCMI instrumentation into a grant, or using preliminary results obtained with the assistance of an RCMI Core facility, please cite RCMI in the grant application.

"This publication was made possible by NIH Grant Number 8G12MD007595-04 from the National Center for Research Resources. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.”

Obtaining a PubMed Central (PMCID) (This is different than a PMID!)

As a result of NIH's , the final, peer-reviewed author manuscripts of journal articles that are supported by NIH funding must be deposited into PMC via the  , as soon as the articles have been accepted for publication. Specifically, the final manuscript supplied to PMC is the version the journal has accepted for publication, including any revisions the author has made during the peer review process.

You may deposit your final, peer-reviewed manuscript through the Manuscript Submission System , using your eRA Commons login, NIH login, HHMI login, or My NCIB login. There are FAQs at the bottom of the webpage, and submission tutorials are also available. If you do not have access to one of these logins, please get in touch with Michelle Soliman for assistance with submission.

Helpful links:

PubMed Central: 

NIH Manuscript Submission System: 

NIH Public Access Policy: 

Thank you for helping us stay in compliance with the RCMI Grant and the NIH Public Access Policy. Should you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with the Core Manager, Erica Severan or Guangdi Wang.